Student Affairs

The Department of Student Affairs provides services for a range of academic procedures between the registration and graduation of all undergraduate and graduate students who are eligible for the new registration. It prepares the registration announcements of the students who are registered and continue to register, make fee transactions and takes records on the dates specified in the academic calendar; follows the military operations of our male students; prepares student ID cards and delivers them to students, organizes the documents (student certificate, transcripts, etc.), prints out the temporary graduation documents, diploma and diploma supplements of the students who are at the graduation stage, determines the students who are entitled to receive honor, high honor and acquittal and prepares their documents, conducts internal and external correspondence, prepares the required forms, reports and tables from the Higher Education Council, oSYM and Higher Education Credit Institutions and other official institutions and arranges statistical information.         

It also informs academic and administrative staff, especially students, within the framework of regulations and guidelines prepared in accordance with the regulations of Higher Education Council.