Energy Policy


Fossil-based energy resources, which are limited in nature, have made it obligatory for countries to both turn to alternative energy resources and to produce policies for the efficient and effective use of energy.

If we evaluate the importance of energy on the basis of our country;

The ratio of energy imports to national income is around 11 percent as of the last quarter of 2023. In order to reduce this ratio, energy diversification policies have been developed and some legal arrangements have been made to use the energy more effectively and efficiently.

Izmir Institute of Technology acts with the awareness that in order for the economic, social and environmental development of our country to continue in a sustainable manner, the policies of diversification of our energy resources, which is our most important national wealth, should continue to increase and that an effective energy management is needed for the efficient use of these energy resources.

Students and employees of Izmir Institute of Technology aim to raise awareness about energy efficiency in all indoor and outdoor areas of our campus.

In this direction, Izmir Institute of Technology;

  • To establish an administrative structure that will take decisions to use energy more efficiently,
  • To achieve the targeted energy savings rate by acting in accordance with the legislation on energy efficiency,
  • Energy-efficient procurement of appropriate products for all academic and administrative work,
  • To follow and implement new studies and technologies developed in the field of energy efficiency,
  • To use the necessary resources and information in its efforts to ensure energy efficiency and to act together with its internal and external stakeholders,
  • To provide a holistic and effective management for measuring and evaluating the savings and efficiency achieved through the activities carried out with a continuous improvement approach,
  • Adding value to the national economy and the environment by ensuring energy efficiency and savings without reducing service quality and the quality of life of its stakeholders

is committed.