Student Research

Qualified thesis advisors, qualified research opportunities, easy access to research opportunities, career development opportunities, scholarship opportunities, international research experience opportunities and innovation ecosystem and techno parks opportunities are gradually increasing each year. With the consideration of the scientific performance of all scientists who started to work within the institute being above the world average, the quality of the faculty is increased and it is made attractive for graduate students. Izmir Institute of Technology is one of the universities that receives the most TUBITAK project per faculty member. In ongoing TUBITAK projects, students are provided with scholarships.

The institute has very important testing and analysis instruments especially in the field of Science and engineering. Some of these devices have been obtained from projects from the Ministry of Development, others from TUBITAK, EU and similar institutions. Increasing the number of projects also strengthens the research infrastructure.

In research centers with important analysis and test devices, all researchers apply to the relevant Center for analysis and test services without distinction of student and faculty members.

In order to facilitate commercialization of the valuable information produced by graduate and doctoral students, the institute encourages them to establish a company in Teknopark Izmir, apply for support programs and receive the necessary training.

Teknopark established a strong link between Izmir and IZTECH, especially in the field of postgraduate education. In this sense, the training/consultancy and other facilities provided to graduate students under Teknopark have become an important factor for the preference of IZTECH in graduate education. Teknopark provides graduate students with the opportunity to apply for the Teknopark free of charge during the establishment process, the opportunity to have a low-paid or free office, the right to use all kinds of sub-and superstructure and the support of education and mentoring in various subjects, encouraging graduate students to establish a company in Teknopark.

2205- Domestic Undergraduate Scholarship Program:

This scholarship program includes undergraduate students studying in the fields of basic sciences and Social Sciences. The main aim of the project is to encourage successful students who are scientific thinkers and researcher identity to science and to educate the scientists of the future.

Click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the program.

2209-A- University Students Research Project Support Program::

Within the scope of this program, for research projects which will provide the creative and investigative features of the students who receive undergraduate degree in Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and humanities, machinery/equipment, supplies, travel, service procurement, etc. to provide grant support for expenses. The student groups who have a maximum of 3 project partners can apply to this program, except for the student who has an academic advisor or project executive.

Duration and amount of support: applications are accepted twice a year. Research projects are supported for a maximum period of 12 months and the maximum support amount is 2.500 TL.

Click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the program.


2209-B- Industry-Oriented Undergraduate Research Projects Support Program:

Within the scope of this program, the undergraduate students in the fields of Engineering and Technology Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and humanities, Medical Sciences and Agricultural Sciences in universities, or students who have the potential to implement products and methods of industry in order to solve a problem, machinery/equipment, supplies, travel, service procurement and so on. to provide grant support for expenses. At the same time, consultancy fees are paid to academic and Industrial Consultants who advise the student during the preparation and implementation of the project.

Duration and amount of support: applications are accepted six times a year. Maximum support amount is try 4,000 and try 1,000 per project within academic and industrial consultants.

Click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the program.


Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI) - Industrial-Focused Graduation Projects:

This program is to support senior undergraduate students ' academic advisors and TAI specialists and industrial-oriented undergraduate graduation projects. This program aims to educate and develop future multi-faceted engineers. The projects to be selected are expected to contribute to the improvement and development of the product design, production, method and process which has the potential to be implemented or carried out in TAI.   

Duration and amount of support: Applications are accepted twice a year. The amount of support and the project calendar are determined by the meeting to be held if the project application is positive.

Click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the program.


Chamber of Mechanical Engineers of Türkyie (TMMOB)- Intercollegiate graduation projects exhibition and competition

In this competition, the students of the undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Energy Systems Engineering Departments of the universities in Izmir and Manisa can demonstrate their projects in different fields. The projects are evaluated by many academicians, industrialists and juries from the board of Directors of TMMOB. The main purpose of this competition is to contribute to the development of national-international industry and to the development of university students by increasing cooperation between universities and industry.

Please click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the project contest.

Chamber of civil engineers (imo) Intercollegiate Civil Engineering Department Award-Winning Graduation Projects competition

In this competition, graduates of the Civil Engineering departments can exhibit their graduation projects. The projects exhibited are evaluated by Imo members and student members. Thanks to this competition, the university gives students the opportunity to meet with the student's science, construction site and office (drawing, calculation and development) environment.

Please click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the project contest.

Architectural Education Association (Mimed)- Architectural Students Project Awards

This competition is open to the students of the Department of Architecture, which is organized periodically every year and includes two steps. The projects that will participate in the competition are evaluated by a jury composed of the faculty members of the architecture faculties of different universities and local and foreign architects invited for the project.

Please click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the project contest.

Izmir Association of Freelance Architects-Student Graduation Projects

Undergraduate students from the architecture departments of the universities in İzmir are participating in this competition with their graduation projects. The main objective of the project contest is to encourage new and young architects and to prepare an environment for sharing and developing their ideas.

Please click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the project contest.

Turkish Planning Schools Association (TUBOP)-Student Graduation Project Competition

This competition is organized every year in cooperation with the Union of Turkish Planning Schools (TUBOP) and the Chamber of City Planners. In the universities in Türkiye, undergraduate students who prepare diploma projects, graduation projects, graduation thesis or graduation projects and report studies can participate in the competition. The main purpose of the project is to discover and encourage the young City and Regional Planning Department students who are dynamic, entrepreneurial and have creative ideas on problem solutions. 

Please click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the project contest.

2214-A - Foreign PhD Sequence Research Scholarship Program:

In this program, support is provided for PhD students who have passed the doctoral proficiency exam and have accepted the dissertation proposal and for doctoral students who specialize in Medical Sciences to provide their research needs related to their dissertation abroad.

Support Period and Amount: Scholarship period is determined by TÜBITAK, provided that it is not more than 12 months. The monthly scholarship for the applicants is EUR 1,500 for the European countries and EUR 1,800 for the other countries.

Click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the program.

1512-Techno-entrepreneurship Capital Support Program (Bigg):

Within the scope of this program, it is aimed to provide innovative, technological products and services with high international competitiveness by providing added value and qualified employment to entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas. Thanks to this project, entrepreneurship training is provided to entrepreneurs and also with experienced guides, administrative, commercial and technical support is provided.

Click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the program.

2238 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition Program

The aim of this program is to raise awareness of the entrepreneurship and innovation issues of Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree and Graduate students and to prepare a suitable environment for them to implement their ideas.

Click here for up-to-date and detailed information about the program.